Providing the intelligence you need to manage weather and climate related risks
Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN) has been defining the state-of-the-art in weather forecasting since 2007. CFAN provides not just the finest weather and climate forecasts but also actionable information to support our clients’ critical decisions.
A true synergy between research, forecasts, and decision support produces a culture of innovation and client support that is unique among weather and climate forecast providers.
Forecast Products
CFAN’s innovations in weather forecasting leverage ensemble forecast methods, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide the most accurate probabilistic forecasts ranging up to four weeks.
Visual analytics and cognitive computing techniques help clients easily and quickly interpret forecast information on web-based dashboards to make optimal and timely decisions.
CFAN continuously works with clients to develop new products and address their most challenging problems and lucrative opportunities.
Contact us for a demo or verification data.
Tropical Cyclones

CFAN’s forecasts can help you anticipate impacts further in advance and with greater accuracy and precision.
Organizations around the globe are using CFAN’s tropical cyclone forecast products to plan, prepare and respond to the hazards associated with these devastating weather events. CFAN’s innovations deliver not only the most accurate tropical cyclone forecasts, but also the most expansive suite of decision support tools.
Forecast innovations include: extended-range dynamic cone of track uncertainty, probabilistic forecasts of maximum intensity and minimum pressure, CFAN’s Rapid Intensification Index, and calibrated high-resolution forecast fields of landfall winds.
CFAN also provides skillful year-ahead forecasts of seasonal tropical cyclone activity.

The intelligence you need to anticipate weather-driven fluctuations in energy supply and demand
Weather is a primary driver for commodity prices in energy, having an impact on both energy consumption (temperature), production (wind and solar), and delivery (severe weather).
CFAN’s OmniCast product provides weather and climate forecasts for energy traders, power providers and fund managers. A focus of OmniCast is extreme weather events, including probabilities of heat and cold waves and wind droughts, severe convective weather and fire weather.
Independent forecast skill evaluators consistently find that CFAN’s U.S. temperature forecasts for days 7-14 outperform all other commercial and government forecast providers.
Climate Services
CFAN provides customized intelligence for your unique needs in assessing and responding to the impacts of climate variability and change
CFAN’s climate services draw on our extensive expertise in climate dynamics and extreme weather and climate events. We have decades of experience in providing climate services for corporations, governments and in vulnerable regions around the world.
Climate scenarios and impact assessments

Climate variability and change impacts strategic planning, infrastructure, capacity building, and needs for technology development. A range of plausible scenarios enables robust decisions, focusing on vulnerability thresholds for stress testing your systems. CFAN’s scenarios can be targeted to drive your sectoral or regional risk assessment models.
CFAN’s regional scenarios of future climate change integrate human-caused climate change with natural modes of climate variability. Extreme event scenarios provide characteristics of regional extreme events over the target time interval and plausible worst-case scenarios of compound event types.
Expert testimony and litigation support

Climate science is becoming increasingly important in policy making and litigation. With the growing policy emphasis upon adaptation to climate change and attribution of the causes of extreme weather and climate events, the potential for disputes is multiplying.
CFAN’s team brings a wealth of experience and expertise for supporting litigation related to climate change:
Consult with attorneys and provide factual information and background
Assist attorneys in deposition and cross-examination of experts
Prepare expert and rebuttal reports
Testify at trial

About CFAN
CFAN was founded in 2006 by Judith Curry and Peter Webster and launched under Georgia Tech’s VentureLab program. Our objective was to translate cutting-edge weather and climate research into forecast products that support the mitigation of weather and climate risks. Our initial opportunities and clients motivated the development of innovative extended-range forecasts of extreme weather events. We recognized early that the key to market adoption was working with our clients to evolve our forecast solutions to support effective decision-making. In recent years, CFAN has responded to growing needs for more realistic scenarios for regional climate change on decadal time scales than can be provided by global climate models.
CFAN’s team is active in advancing novel ideas and approaches in weather and climate services. We are recognized as innovators in pushing the boundaries of effective forecasting and advancing the understanding of weather and climate prediction and predictability.
CFAN’s founders have built a team with rich expertise in the core fields of meteorology, climatology, mathematical and computer sciences, and decision support. This expertise is complemented by customer and operations support teams that support our clients’ needs around the globe.
